Personal training


If you are aiming to get fit and stay in shape there are quite a few ways to go about it but for optimal success, there is nothing like a personal trainer to get you there.

Many people feel that with the wealth of health and fitness information readily available to us through books, DVDs, the internet and even mobile apps, it is not necessary to have a personal trainer. While these media provide information and some instruction it is generic, it cannot truly assess and address your specific needs. As well, they do not provide the other key factor to fitness success, motivation.

Personal training works because your trainer provides you with:

  • Education: A trainer will teach new exercises that are more effective,  correct form and how to avoid injury and provide nutritional and diet information.
  • Encouragement to surpass your limits: When you think you can’t do one more rep or lift 5 more pounds, your personal trainer will assure you that you can–and you will!
  • Accountability: When you have a booked appointment it is hard to cancel and your personal trainer will make sure you pay for it in the next workout!
  • An Objective Eye: Your trainer will give realistic assessments of problem areas
  • Plateau Avoidance: A trainer will always have new workouts and exercises to avoid stagnation and to keep you moving towards your goals.

A personal trainer provides you with a full packages solution through a single source. “And they like you when you sweat!” laughs Jo-Ann James of Vital Steps Studio in Toronto. James, a former George Brown College professor who has trained and certified personal trainers also points out, “A personal trainer doubles as a therapist, not only will they program an exercise routine specific to your changing needs but they will provide a listening ear for the good, the bad and the ugly.”

Only a real person, with proper training and certification, can do all of this for you – For fitness success consider a personal trainer, there is no ‘app’ for that.

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